TalkLove Africa Foundation > She Impacts Awards

She Impacts Awards 2024.

The She Impact Awards celebrates the outstanding contributions of women across diverse fields, recognizing their transformative impact on humanity. This year's awards honours women who made gaint strides in the 2023 year in diverse fields.

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Women Changing Humanity for good!

She Impacts Awards 2024.

The She Impact Awards, presented annually by Talklove Africa Foundation, celebrates the outstanding contributions of women across diverse fields, recognizing their transformative impact on humanity. This prestigious accolade serves as a tribute to the remarkable achievements and positive influence of women in their respective endeavors.

  • This year's awards event holds virtually and honours women who made gaint strides in the 2023 year.
  • Nomination closes 19th February, 2024. For more on awards categories see below
  • Join the LIVE Show on the 15th of March, 2024.

2024 Awards Nomination

Trailblazer of the Year.

Honoring a woman who has pioneered innovation and set new standards in her field.

Humanitarian Excellence.

Recognizing exceptional dedication to humanitarian causes and significant contributions to community welfare.

Leadership in Business.

Commending a woman who has demonstrated exemplary leadership and success in the business world.

Inspirational Educator.

Celebrating a woman whose contributions to education have inspired and positively influenced others.

Health and Wellness Advocate.

Acknowledging significant efforts in promoting health and wellness, impacting individuals and communities.

Environmental Stewardship.

Recognizing outstanding commitment to environmental sustainability and conservation.

Talklove Africs Women's Impact Awards

Frequently Asked Quesations

IWD; is International Women's Day which is a day set aside by the United Nations to celebrate women all over the world.

As a gender inclusive organization, we celebrate all people but the IWD activities are geared towards marking the achievements and strides made by women communities depite challenges facing the female gender.

Wehave lined several activities including An Awards Virtual Event which will hold on the 15th of March, 2024. Other activities include; A 20 days Activism on Women's rights to inclusion. Recognizing notable achievements made by certain women in Africs and beyond!

You can join people across the world in our 20 days activism for Women's Inclusion by downloading the IWD24 Photo frame to enable you make post on social media. Also, spread the word to people all around you!

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